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The World of Lions


Come come with us let me tell you about the king of the jungle city A steely mark of the forest's greatness With his thunderous thunder and his victory sign, he shows you the areas where he is found. 

Majestic Physiology:

 the best is thick and strong A single lion can weigh up to 500 points. sher ka shashi naam pathra live In comparison to the lions, the mother lioness is more smooth, beautiful and agile. Whose jaws are very strong and claws are also strong, who are the weapons that come in the direction of the prey or their prey. 

Proudly Life :

It is generally said about lions that they are very proud and have very good tomb arrangements. They live together as a herd Most of the prey is not hunted by the mother. And people from all other families eat together 

Mighty Roars and Communication :

The Line's thunderous roar is the African wilderness's most famous sound The roar of lions is so loud that it can be heard up to 5 miles away. Nrishar uses this as a declaration of his Bala Dasti but also uses it to scare others 

Hunting techniques and dosage :

Mother lioness does most of the hunting The whole group supports Jignesh Rishi uses his powers as a team work to catch Kara The mother lioness pounces on the lion and arranges for food. Nor are they responsible for the safety of their territory and children in the forest. 

Conservation Challenge :

Lines are seen as iconic symbols of the wild Birthday Face Money Conservation Difficulty Their populations are threatened by habitat loss by human wildlife conflict and poaching. Their nature is also a threat to Rahasya village. The community needs to make their area safe Kaki ji kept roaming in his zodiac place as per his wish. 

Cultural Significance:

Lions are culturally important and appear often in folk stories, artworks, ornamentation of the body and spirit. In ancient mythology they are seen as emblems of strength, courage and majesty. Even today such images continue to shape many stories being told.

Conclusion :

The lion is a work of nature with its amazing strength and fame. After knowing the world of lions, we not only learn something about their life, memory and behavior. Rather, they also make it safe to fulfill all the needs of the human being created by them. Our Azam Masjid poisons them so that they can be given open space to live.

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