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Nocturnal Surgeons It's not every day that people get to know the fascinating world of opossums.


Typically hard to get along with and underappreciated, opossums are crepuscular animals which maintain the ecological balance of their habitat. The quirks shown by these marsupials in adapting to their environment make for a rich field of study. Come along to discover the secrets of nocturnal creatures--the opossums.

The Diversity of Opossums:

The opposums are members of the order Didelphimorphia and North America's only marsupial. Found throughout the Americas, they are among the most diverse of all mammalian genera with over 100 species and a huge range in size, coloring and habits. With its unusual prehensile tail and opposable thumb on the hind foot, it is perhaps only outnumbered in the US by that other American animal--the raccoon.

Survival Tactics: Playing Possum

For opossums it is a matter of survival--one of the creatures 'most interesting defense mechanisms is that they can play possum or feign death when attacked. Thanatosis is the opossum's involuntary response to being injured that causes it to drop like a sack, foam at its mouth and give off an offensive odor; all intended as weapons against pursuing predators. Such a feat has made them known as the masters of survival.

Misunderstood and Beneficial:

While opossums are key contributors to the ecosystem, unfavorable perceptions resulting from a lack of understanding about their appearance and behavior abound. Recognizing their special nature and understanding the place they occupy in this world can lead to an admiration for these hardy animals. In addition, their immune systems make opposition a powerful weapon against many pathogens; using opossums can help control the spread of various diseases.

Conservation Awareness:

But though the opossum is not an endangered species, it does have to deal with habitat destruction, run-ins with vehicles and domestic animals. It is promotion of awareness and responsible coexistence that can assure their conservation. All it takes is taking some simple precautions, like keeping the bin lids closed and not deliberately hurting them.


With their adaptable behavior and quirks, opossums are an important part of our ecosystem. Without understanding what's so interesting about their unique qualities or how they contribute to our well-being, it will be impossible to appreciate these quiet champions of the night. So next time you see an opossum in your backyard or on the streets, don't forget to stop and admire their tenacity--and how very special they are.

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